Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brighton's female pup

This is one of Brighton's female puppies with eyes open!! All of the females are around the same size and they all look exactly alike at the moment.  They don't start looking different until after 6 weeks or so and even then, it's hard to tell them apart. Funny, but scary story: after work, I went to check on the puppies before heading to Huntsville and 2 were out of their crate, 1 was in the middle of the floor and 2 were missing! Brighton, for some crazy reason, had tried to move them outside. She had two under a sand box in the middle of the yard! I found them in the dirt. I was so aggravated with her. They are 2 weeks old and I've never had a mama try to move her puppies, especially outside away from me. I'm not sure why she did it. I changed the puppies bedding thinking maybe that was the problem. I have a doggie door in my room. I'm hoping she won't try it again. She could hurt them or a snake could get them! She left them there through the night. I'll have to go home and check on her today. Crazy dog!!

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